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Showing posts from January, 2019

Why investing in land is important?

Why investing in land is important?  Raw Land is a “Hands-Off” Investment. Vacant land is one of the best investments on earth because of its hands-off nature and versatility. The simplicity and stability that comes with owning the right piece of land (purchased at the right price) can far outweigh the myriad of problems that comes with any other type of real estate. You don't need to be an expert or know anything about how to construct a property yourself. In most cases, you really only need to know one thing: “Will the property be profitable in the future?” Land Investors Have Virtually No Competition to Deal With Land Investors Call Their Own Shots Land is very inexpensive to own as a long-Term Investment If you want to park your cash somewhere and forget about it, vacant land could be exactly the investment vehicle you're looking for. Land is a long-term, tangible asset that doesn't wear out, doesn't depreciate, and nothing can get broken, stolen or destroyed...